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#+-| FUNCTION |----------------------------------------------+################
#| +----------+ The FUNCTION clause specifies a string which |################
#|              is used as an alternative to format SAY/GET  |################
#+--| Syntax |------------------------------------------------------+#########
#|     @<Int-exp,Int-exp> GET <C-exp> [PICTURE <C-exp>              |#########
#|     || FUNCTION <C-exp>] [VALID <L-exp>] [FILTER <Uint-exp>]     |#########
#|     [ ID <Uint-exp> ]                                            |#########
########+---| Description |--------------------------------------------+######
########| The FUNCTION clause specifies a string which is used as an   |######
########| alternative method to format the output of the SAY and GET   |######
########| subcommands.  Only function symbols can appear in a FUNCTION |######
########| string, making SAY and GET subcommands more readable.        |######

See Also: PICTURE @...SAY
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson